ECOTAB project - Ny-Alesund (Svalbard, 2012)

I have been working 4 months within the ECOTAB project and as part of it, I have participated to the summer field work (august) and to the autumn one (october). The ECOTAB project is an arctic project looking at the pelagic-benthic coupling. Th field work happened in Kongsfjorden in Svalbard where there is a scientific station : Ny-Alesund (tourists can stop but not stay overnight). It has been one of the most wonderful field work of my life (the one in august particularly). Svalbard and particularly Ny-Alesund and surroundings (although we did not have time to any trips around, but at least I took a lot of pictures during the work boat trips for going sampling) are wonderful, also when it comes to make pictures. The light as you will see in my pics is beautiful, there are among the most beautiful pictures I have taken so far within these albums. The August field work pictures will come soon, it takes time to go through all my pics and treat them, but I am working on it ;-) 

You can also find pictures of this project fieldwork on the dedicated website:



Field work in October (2012)