Coring cruise in the Atlantic (MICROSYSTEMS - 2008)

Here are the pictures from the MD169/MICROSYSTEMS cruise with IPEV on board the research vessel Marion Dufresnes in July 2008 which started in Brest and ended in Algeciras (for the time I was on board).

MICROSYSTEMS= MICRObial diversity and functionality in cold-water reef ecoSYSTEMS 

This was a really great opportunity to participate to an intense coring sampling, one of the main goal being the environmental variability reconstruction of the North Atlantic for glacial and inter-glacial periods.

The pictures are mostly not mine and taken from participants of this cruise. A large part of them were taken, I think, by Fabien Paquet (the best ones ;-), but also by others. Since all pics were mixed without file name, it was impossible to remember who took them! and it is why it's a  MICROSYSTEMS